
沙最愛的英國天團 TAKE THAT 最新大碟 "The Circus" 即將在12月1日上市囉! (海外版) 一直忘記更新單曲的cover,現在放上來囉~超美的構圖!


沙: WOW 取這樣的專輯名稱就要來走一回鋼索咩!?  TT: 咱們可是老當益壯的吶!

台壓版不久後也會上架了! 不過我個人還是推薦買進口版啦,之前買德國版的歌詞本紙質真的比較優!

而且最近一年環球搞了莫名其妙的台灣國旗 mark 在cd cover上@_@


看到國外的新聞覺得很有趣: 近期即將有兩張超夯專輯上市, TAKE THAT 的 "The Circus" 和 小甜甜布蘭妮的"Circus" ,兩者不約而同選了"馬戲團"當專輯名稱,不過布蘭妮的少了個 "The" 請歌迷認明你想買的是哪一張 XDD 看到這個真的讓我笑了半天:P 不過差點鬧雙胞也真是很驚人的巧合啊!

之前聽這支 MV 是遠赴 LA 拍攝,不過卻只有拍屋頂耶,MV的色系和上一張 " Beautiful World " 時的感覺很相似

但這個 MV 還是很有活力! 四個奮力猛搖的帥大叔^^ 尤其是Howard大叔扭得最用力:p

Gary 拔拔也唱得很用力:D

Mark 戴帽子的 look 讓他看起來更加可愛了!

不過我的 Focus 當然還是鎖定在我們家 Jay 身上啊,鬍子 look 超 sexy 啊!

首波單曲 "Greatest Day" 也即將在11/24日上架! 來欣賞完整的官方MV吧! (可另開 YouTube視窗選看高品質版本) 


以下是"Greatest Day"的歌詞

Today this could be the greatest day of our lives
Before it all ends, before we run out of time
Stay close to me
Stay close to me
Watch the world come alive tonight
Stay close to me

Tonight this could be the greatest night of our lives
Let’s make a new start
The future is ours to find
Can you see it
Can you see it in my eyes
Can you feel it now
Can you hold it in your arms …. tonight
Take That Lyrics - Greatest Day on

Oh stay close to me (Hold On)
Stay close to me
Watch the world come alive tonight
Stay close me

Ooh hold your head high, (Hold On)
Arms open wide
Yea the world starts to come alive when you stay close to me

Today this could be the greatest day of our lives
Today this could be the greatest day of our lives

Ooh and the world comes alive and the world comes alive and the would comes alive oh oh oooooh
Stay close to me (and the world comes alive) hold on
Stay close to me (and the world comes alive)
Watch the world come alive tonight stay close to me (Hold on)
oh stay close to me and the would comes alive stay close to me and the world comes alive

watch the world come alive tonight (stay close to me) oh oh ohoooo

Howie 大叔工作時的頭髮真不是普通的亂~比我家 J 更有流浪漢的 FU(喂~)

Source: YouTube- takethatsingapore


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